This house offers respite to people with a severe / profound intellectual disability.
Its environment is a home from home one to the people who attend the service and caters for persons from the age of 6 upwards with a severe / profound intellectual disability are able to avail of this service within resources.
Aims and Objectives :
The primary focus for all individuals is personal dignity and includes the following:
- All people (children and adults) have the opportunity for and the right to growth and development.
- All people (children and adults) have the right to live in an environment that maximises their progress towards independent community living.
- The needs of the individual and their family are considered in the individual service plan.
- Achieving the person’s maximum potential within the resources available which include mobility, speech and language impairment, visual and hearing impairment and behaviours that challenge.
An environment of partnership with all parties is what we strive for. The principles of person centred planning is the continuous focus for the people we work with which guides them to develop a plan and achieve desired goals within their lives.